Funny cartoon - Crime time

Funny animation with a miserable Shifty (The Criminal) by Future Thought Productions.

Crime Time - Electro-Phobia

Crime Time - The Gift

Crime Time - Under Control

Crime Time - The Painting

Crime Time - Statue

Crime Time - Paint Job

Crime Time - The Bank Robbery

Crime Time - The Getaway

D.I.Y laptop computer

How stickman meet

A stickman and stickwoman drawn on bodies falling in love.

Monkey fart music

Two monkey remix their fart.

Crazy japanese commercial

A guy show up and vibrate your balls on the street. Crazy!

Good Vibration

I hate monday

Stop talking on phone

Bad on monday

Humping animal

Dog Humping USB

Ancient animation

This is the way Barbarian create genetic of the porno.


Razor banner


Funny Japanese animation talking about two Russia rabbit's life in jail.

Usavich Vol.1 - Vol.5

Usavich Vol.6 - Vol.10

Usavich Vol.11 - Vol.15

Usavich Vol.16 - Vol.20

How car are made

Finish apple

Mad TV ads

Ecstasy commercials from Mad TV. Craziest ads ever.


Mosquito invade


Drunk Squirrel

Squirrel get wasted by a fermented pumpkins.

Baby Bruce Lee

A cute baby just act like Bruce Lee.

Japanese on kids bike

Thailand Cheers beer ads

To every good thing in life. Funny ads from Thailand.

Cop without trigger

This actor inside Hong Kong movie that doesn't even put a trigger on his gun.

Parking skill

I think there's still a lot of parking to choose instead of this one.

Biggest ice cream

Biggest thing

Peel P50 smallest car on Top gear

Jeremy Clarkson drives a Peel P50 way around London and into BBC television center.

Funny freestyle basketball

Parody of the Nike freestyle basketball commercial and actual extended commercial.

Money emotion



Cow truck

Urban ninja

And that's what i called a ninja. By Robert James Hoffman III.

Urban Ninja I

Urban Ninja II

The last scene of the pilot